Buy Your 2025 Membership
Renewing your membership? Please refer to our 2025 ​Guide to renewing your membership

At RLTC, we offer a range of pre-competitive and recreational junior after school programs. These include week long tennis camps during the summer, where kids are coached by experienced tennis coaches in order to improve their understanding of the sport, and learn new skills throughout the week in a supportive and fun environment.

Centennial Apparel Collection
We are excited to announce the release of the Centennial RLTC Apparel collection, which is now live! Browse our selection and complete your order to secure your apparel while supplies last.
Orders completed online will be picked up periodically by staff/volunteers who will transport your items to the clubhouse, at which point you will be notified. Alternatively, you may drive out to Houle Sports (Orleans) to pick up your items, or select the delivery option when completing your order for a fee of $15.