Kids will learn the sport by implementing tools that make it easy and fun. Young kids – as young as 5 years old – learn with equipment and court sizes tailored to their age and skill level. Smaller courts, properly-sized racquets, and tennis balls that play at slower speeds help children to learn the basics of tennis and grow into the game.
Junior Tennis Pathway

2024 Junior Spring Programs
RED Ball (Ages 5-7)
Dates: May 21 - Jun 24 (5 weeks)
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Coaches: Dan & Junior Instructors
Ratio: 6:1
MAX 8 players, MIN 4 players
Price: $132.50 per 1 day/week
Early drop-off or late pickup: $15 each
Make-up rain dates June 27-June 30 - exact rain date timing is TBD.
Fun introductory program for players looking to learn game fundamentals, improve their rally skills, keep track of serve and score, and have fun your friends. Our instructors strike a balance between play-based approach and instruction, so your child can experience the game of tennis in a dynamic and positive environment.
You can select 1 or 2 sessions per week. Each day is sold separately. In the registration system, select each day you would like and add to your checkout cart.

Orange Ball (7-9 years)
Dates: May 21 - June 24 (5 weeks)
Days: Tue & Thu 4:30-5:30PM
Coaches: Dan & Junior Instructors
Ratio: 6:1
MAX 8 players, MIN 4 players
Price: $132.50 per 1 day/per week
Early drop-off or late pickup: $15 each
Make-up rain dates: June 27-June 30 - exact rain date timing is TBD.
Learning to train, establishing the right habits and developing racquet / tac>cal skills. Expanding their knowledge in all game situa>ons: rally, serving, receiving, net play and transi>on. Build confidence, develop your game and have fun applying your skills in game situa>ons and point play. Weekly matchplay offerings during class.
You can select 1 or 2 sessions per week. Each day is sold separately. In the registration system, select each day you would like and add to your checkout cart.
Green Ball (9-12 years)
Dates: May 21 - June 24 (5 weeks)
Days: Mon & Wed 4:30-6:00PM
Coaches: Club Pro & Junior Instructor
Ratio: 6:1
MAX 8 players, MIN 4 players
Price: $198.75 per 1 day/per week
Early drop-off or late pickup: $15 each
Make-up rain dates: June 27-June 30 - exact rain date timing is TBD.
This stage emphasizes the transition to full court tennis. Positioning, court coverage / zones, communication and moving together as a team (doubles). Introduction to tactics, focusing on hitting big targets and when to poach (aSack at the net). Priori>es: starting the point (serve & return) and consistency/quality of groundstrokes.
You can select 1 or 2 sessions per week. Each day is sold separately. In the registration system, select each day you would like and add to your checkout cart.

Teen Tennis (13+ years)
Dates: May 21 - June 24 (5 weeks)
Days: Mon & Wed 4:30-6:00PM
Coaches: Club Pro & Junior Instructor
Ratio: 6:1
MAX 8 players, MIN 4 players
Price: $198.75 per 1 day/per week
Early drop-off or late pickup: $15 each
Make-up rain dates: June 27-June 30 - exact rain date timing is TBD.
For older players (and parents) who are looking for high quality training in a professional environment. Emphasizing on developing playing standards and enjoying their athle>c journey. Program is not suitable for beginners.
You can select 1 or 2 sessions per week. Each day is sold separately. In the registration system, select each day you would like and add to your checkout cart.